As human beings, we're renowned for our intelligence and the ability to think things through rationally. But what do you do when you start 'overthinking' a particular situation and very soon find that you can no longer think clearly nor have the energy to pull off your day with excellence?
Today, my daughter Hannah Shania shares some wonderful wisdom. With lessons from her own life, she reveals some amazing ways we can all break free from the chaos of overthinking. I'm sure you'll be blessed as much as I was.
Overthinking about situations can sometimes be inevitable. Whether it's about a significant life event, assignment deadline, the end of your degree or even things that might seem insignificant to others. Do you find yourself overthinking at times too?
Personally, I am a big overthinker!
I tend to pick apart and analyse every tiny little detail about a situation when something begins to bother me. I know it's not the best thing to do.
Even my friends know how I sometimes get caught up overthinking!
One of them recently said,
"I could feel it through the screen!", as I was frantically texting her about the situation I was worried about.
"Woah", this overthinking doesn't just affect me, it's also impacting others around me.
I realised, I have to work towards managing and perhaps changing the way I approach things in my life. I discovered that If I was to develop mental resilience and clarity then my thought patterns would need to change too.
The good news is that we don't have to let negative thoughts and overthinking suck up all our energy and joy!
And simple measures (life skills) can help us break this energy-depleting habit.
Now trust me, this can be difficult.
Especially when you are overthinking and the negative thoughts just keep flowing freely through your mind. I must admit, sometimes it can be hard to fully recognise that you are actually worrying unnecessarily about a situation and allowing negative emotions and anxiety to build up.
Have you noticed how the words you speak over yourself during these times are also mostly negative and sometimes downright, deflating?
But the key to breaking this thought pattern is paying attention and catching your thoughts as they start 'building their own wings'. You'll soon realise that if you don't do anything, your thoughts will have 'free reign' and your emotions will start being negatively impacted too.
Pay attention to your thoughts.
Ask yourself, "Is this a negative thought?"
if Yes.. then, "What is it saying?"
"Is it going to help me in this situation?"
This simple self-assessment technique can usually help unveil the thought pattern.
Wrong thoughts? 👉🏽"Bin them!"
A very helpful and important aspect of my personal life is my faith.
I try to read and meditate on the book of wisdom, 'The Word' (Bible).
I search it to see if someone else went through a similar situation. I ponder on what it says about dealing with overthinking, self-doubt and anxiety. I then replace my anxious thoughts with what the Bible says about me.
When I feel I lack courage, " I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Phil 4:13
When I am feeling anxious, "For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, of love and a sound mind" 2 Tim 1:7
I discovered that the more I dwelt in The Word, the more His promises for my life made me feel encouraged. In fact, coupled with some prayer time, I find I can often see my way through the obstacle.
It's life-changing for me.
Now, I do understand that not everyone is on the same faith journey.
It's okay!
You can still confide in or reach out to a trusted friend about your dilemma.
Share with them your thoughts, or whatever is worrying you.
Ask them for insight. Ask them what they would do in this particular situation? Communicating your concerns with someone can be very helpful.
If you can, then try to distract yourself from thinking about the particular situation.
If it's a uni assignment (in my case), I find the best thing to do is to put it away for a while and come back to it later.
I then try and do something that I enjoy.
Such as baking, painting, playing the piano or talking to a friend over the phone, lighting your favourite Seema with Love handmade soy candle.
My favourite is the Lychee and Peony.
You can easily distract yourself by doing whatever you enjoy.
Do it!
Distraction is great for interrupting negative thinking or overthinking patterns.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to accept that no matter how much you think about the situation, you'll never be able to control the outcome.
You're not alone!
Many times, I find myself overthinking about situations where the outcome or results are just not in my control.
Accepting this when I start to overthink, helps me to understand that I can only do my best, nobody is perfect and everything will work out.
Letting go of 'control of an outcome' in this situation can be liberating.
It can be easy to think of "what if?" scenarios.
The thing about overthinking is that it can continuously deplete you of your energy and joy during any day. I find remembering to live in the 'present moment' helps me to slowly stop worrying about a particular situation. I try and enjoy 'today' and the moment I am in, rather than what could be or what tomorrow could bring.
I'm reminded of the wise words of Jesus,
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34.
Being mindful of your thoughts is very effective in helping to stop self-doubt.
It involves recognising what you are feeling, accepting what your feelings and emotions are and remembering that this too shall pass.
When you speak positively over your self and eventually believe the declarations you are making, you crush self-doubt and disable overthinking.
So get in the habit of speaking positive and affirming things over your life, such as,
"This may be difficult for me right now but I am going to keep trying"
"I haven't figured it out yet, but I will figure it out soon"
Look, we are all guilty of overthinking things and creating a 'mountain' from a molehill.
But the good news is, we don't have to stay stuck on the 'mountain' our thoughts create.
I hope these techniques I shared with you today are helpful.
My friend, you are loved.
You don't have to be perfect.
Just know that all you can do is try your very best.
But remember the one who is perfect.
He is your greatest helper.
Please allow me to leave you with this promise,
"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8
I'll see you the next time you pop into Seema with Love at Westfield Chermside.
God bless,
At Seema with Love Westfield, we proudly stock Hannah Shania's range of Hannah Shania Designer Fashion as well as the amazing Hannah Shania Australian Organic Vegan Skincare for young skin.
You can also find and follow more of her wonderful work at
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